Hamburg Data Updates
Data from the 2015 ITU World Triathlon Hamburg event has now been added to the Statistics API database.
The race was notable for the fastest ever run split in a Sprint distance format race by Mario Mola with 13:55. To obtain this result the query can be approached in one of two ways. Firstly you could query the minimum run time and group by and then find the minimum result from the list:
curl --header "apikey: YOUR_APP_KEY" ",eq,Sprint&
Which returns the following list of the minimum run times from all sprint distance events (in seconds). From the result we can determine that the 835 second split in Hamburg 2015 was the fastest ever run split and can then query the results for additional information.
"":"2011 Lausanne ITU Elite Sprint Triathlon World Championships",
"":"2012 Dextro Energy World Triathlon Hamburg",
"":"2012 ITU World Triathlon Stockholm",
"":"2013 ITU World Triathlon Hamburg",
"":"2014 ITU World Triathlon Hamburg",
"":"2014 ITU World Triathlon London",
"":"2014 ITU World Triathlon Stockholm",
"":"2015 ITU World Triathlon Abu Dhabi",
"":"2015 ITU World Triathlon Hamburg",
"":"2015 ITU World Triathlon London",
Alternatively, combining two queries we can arrive at the same result. Firstly, find the minimum run split:
curl --header "apikey: YOUR_APP_KEY" ",eq,Sprint"
Which simply returns the minimum i.e. fastest run time.
Then make a query to find additional information by using the run time as a filter and multiple group by requests to extract the information required (note if this time had occurred more than once then the result would simply be an array of all the times this had happened).
curl --header "apikey: YOUR_APP_KEY" ",eq,835&||finish_time|date|"
As expected this returns Mario's result from Hamburg 2015.
"":"Mario Mola",
"":"2015 ITU World Triathlon Hamburg"
- added: 2015 ITU World Triathlon Hamburg Data
- added: