The Events API allows access to all event resources which includes event listings, entries and result information.

The Events API provides all event related data
The Events API is comprised of the following underlying resources:
- Events - data related to the event itself including specific event information, related media and medal tallies.
- Programs - data related to programs (or races) at an event such as course information and atmospheric conditions (which vary between programs at the same event)
- Entries - data relating to the entries of a specific program (start lists and wait lists)
- Results - data relating to the results of a specific program
In a nutshell, entry and result data belong to a program and each program belongs to an event. There can be many entries and results per program and many programs per event. For more information with working with the Events API please consult the Getting Started with the Events API guide.
Each of the resources has it's own defined type as listed below.
Basic Event Object
When using the event listing call or where events are returned from different API calls a basic event object is returned which will always conform to the following specification. If further detail is required request the full event listing using the Retrieve Event Information API method.
"event_title":"2009 Dextro Energy Triathlon - ITU World Championship Grand Final Gold Coast",
"event_venue":"Gold Coast",
"cat_name":"World Championships",
"cat_name":"World Triathlon Series",
Program Object
A program object comprises the basic data required for all programs. For more program data the Retrieve Program Information API method should be used.
"prog_name":"Elite Coaches",
Entry Object
An entry object comprises an individual program entry and is made up of an athlete object together with the individual entry status and data. Typically these objects are presented in an array via the Program Entries method that is used for generating start and wait lists and contains other meta information regarding the event and program.
"athlete_title":"Pamella Oliveira",
Result Object
A result object comprises an individual result and is made up of an athlete object together with the individual result and splits data. Typically these objects are presented in an array via the Program Results method that is used for generating result listings and contains other meta information regarding the event and program including split information.
"athlete_title":"Gwen Jorgensen",
"athlete_country_name":"United States",