Ranking Events

This method retrieves all events (and associated information) used in the calculation of a ranking. This method is critical in determining the events to be included as well as required parameters such as the quality of field or event deductions to be accounted for in calculations.

Whilst each ranking will vary according to the specified criteria the following guidelines may be used:

  • The override key indicates whether a 'Rankings Only' program has been used to generate the results. If set to true then prog_override key indicates the prog_id to be used for rankings calculation.
  • The deduction key indicates the % deduction to be used for the points which may vary from 0 to 100%.
  • The cutoff_time is the value in seconds of the cuttoff_time to be applied if applicable. A value of false indicates that the cutoff_time is not used in the ranking calculation.
  • The event_type key corresponds to the associated ranking criteria definition level of event.
  • The qof key represents the 'Quality of Field' factor. This value is presented as a percentage with the value ranking from 100% to 120%.


Ranking Events

In certain rankings National Federation can choose to include one of the relevant distance National Championships in the rankings (e.g. either standard or sprint) so this must be consulted to determine which events have been chosen for inclusion.

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